Born in Milan on 24th October 1965
Associate since 01/01/1992


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Public Professional Registrations

  • CPA since 09/02/1989 n. 2467
  • Court of Milan Technical Consultants registered at no.8163 since 17/06/1992 in the category of “Accounting”, specialized in “Company evaluation, Company accounting and analysis of Balance Sheets, Evaluation of Vacant and Benefit Succession and Real Estate”
  • Register of Legal Auditors at 37914 with Ministerial Decree of 12/04/1995 published in the Official Gazette of the Italian Republic, supplement no.31 bis – IV special series – of 21/04/1995, in accordance with the provisions of the Leg. Decree of 27/01/1992 no.88
  • Degree in Juridical Sciences from the Guglielmo Marconi Telematic University in Rome
  • Registered in the crisis management list for the resolution of over-indebtedness crises of the Milan Chamber of Arbitration

Professional activity

  • Pre-tender and tender consultancy
  • Pre and post insolvency assistance
  • Company surveys/evaluations
  • Taxation advice
  • Technical/contractual assistance for real estate
  • Conciliation / Arbitration
  • Member of Board of Directors and Board of Statutory Auditors

Appointments by the Court of Milan

  • Receiver, Trial Commissioner, Official Receiver and administrator of vacant succession
  • Appointments for assessments of real estate and movables, company evaluation and expert opinions (C.T.U.)
  • Judicial custody
  • Judge’s delegate at the Bailiff’s Office

Institutional/voluntary activities

  • President Insolvency Proceedings Commission College of Bookkeepers Milan until 31/12/2007
  • President Crisis and Procedures And Insolvency Proceedings Commission of the Order of Chartered Accountants and Expert Bookkeepers in Milan from 2008 to 2010
  • Member of the National Commission on Enteprise Crisis of the Association of Chartered Accountants and Expert Bookkeepers
  • Associate of the Giorgio Ambrosoli Study Centre


  • Married since 1997 to Inna, happy father of 3 children, happy grandfather of 2 girl

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